


Pengukuran minyak cairan air analisa labOIL TEST KITS




Contaminants cause over 80% of all hydraulic and lube system failures in the fluid.

When there is no apparent deterioration present, high contamination levels can decrease operating efficiency and shorten equipment life.

Hydraulic and lubrication systems rely on having clean and healthy oil to perform reliably and at their best. However, oil can quickly degrade in reactions with water, oxygen and heat, leading to a change of composition and viscosity, and the build-up of contaminants which can lead to:

1. Costly equipment failure as a direct result of contamination

2. Varnish forming

3. Downtime

4. Loss of system performance

Follow standart :

Standard (ISO, NAS or SAE)


We offer several ways to analyse your oil.

In-House Laboratory:

We have our laboratory where we can quickly look at a given sample and produce an ISO report, patch slide and Karl Fischer water content test. This service is often free to our customers as support for their filter usage.

Laboratory Reports:

provides an easy to interpret, independent oil cleanliness report which highlights the condition of your oil. A simple traffic light system indicates the level of contamination and our reports show ISO, particulate, water, bacterial, wear metals, additives and other chemicals is an oil sample.

Analysis Equipment - on-line or portable:

We offer a range of equipment including on-line particle monitors, patch test kits, mobile particulate and water sensor kits and the award-winning Particle Pal portable oil analysis product, now with oil life sense.


Best practice for oil testing is to take it from a live operating system at regular frequencies and ensure the machine is running at average operational temperatures, pressures and loads. The recommended place to take a sample to see how machine components are operating is downstream from the working parts before any filtration and before the oil is returned to the system tank. This process will show undiluted results of wear created in the machine. When collecting a sample, ensure the bottle and all equipment is exceptionally clean and dry, or this will interfere with results.

We design and manufacture a broad range of quality control equipment for analysing oil cleanliness levels. Our apparatus helps engineers quickly determine the levels of solid particulate and water in any given sample.


Typical Applications

Typical fuel applications include:

1.Test rigs

2.Emergency standby power generation

3.Diesel fuel systems

4.Automotive Industry

5.Marine and offshore technology

6.Bulk fuel storage depots

7.Fuel polishing systems

8.Tank cleaning equipment


Typical oil applications include:

1.Mining / Heavy industry

2.Wind power

3.Process technology


5.Lifting and materials handling

6.Hydraulic and mechanical presses

7.Construction equipment



Portable Pengukuran minyak cairan air analisa labOil Tanks

Oil Clean-Up System & Skids

Neptune Oil Dehydration Units

Oil Purification Systems and Skids

From small, handheld units through to larger, static rigs, we have a range of filtration solutions whatever your application.


As well as being UK distributor for Schroeder products, we can also provide original elements and alternatives for a wide range of filters across most manufacturers.


We have a vast range of filter housings and reservoir accessories for hydraulic filtration and lubrication applications. Our expert team are on hand to advise on the most suitable for your application.



Filtasorb2 water removal media is excellent at removing both free and entrained water from many thousand ppm down to under 100ppm



The Hippo range of filtration housings and systems simultaneously removes both water and solid contaminants from a wide range of fuels and oils.



Untuk memberikan indikasi diesel/oli yang bagus dan tidak bagus sebelum digunakan pada mesin-mesin

Meningkatkan performa mesin-mesin serta menghemat biaya operasional

Dengan monitoring secara online dan real time, makan tindakan preventive dapat dilakukan secara cepat

Alat berat




Mesin-mesin industri lainnya

Latar Belakang

Saat ini kondisi yang terjadi adalah analisa diesel yang mengalir dari dan ke (tangki truk 20 KL ke tangki 2000 KL maupun sebaliknya) belum termonitor secara baik. Sehingga masih banyak kerugiian dari sisi mesin, kesulitan mengambil langkah preventive serta kerugian pada pendapatan perusahaan. Dengan Alat yang ditawarkan oleh PT. TEINDO, maka semua kendala/kerugian tersebut akan teratasi. Hal ini juga berlaku untuk Oli.

Cara Kerja

1. Diesel (bahan bakar) yang mengalir akan di analisa melalui system cleanliness monitor untuk memonitoring kadar partikel didalam diesel yang mana terkadang tercampur dengan air akibat adanya kondensasi dari lingkungan. Sebelum memasuki tangki inlet, pipa tersebut juga dikoneksikan dengan beberapa sensor seperti differential pressure, flow rate. Sensor ini akan terkoneksi dengan computer maupun melalui jaringan internet yang dapat di akses secara online.

2. Diesel yang akan dialirkan ke tanki 2000 KL akan di filter terlebih dahulu.Saluran pipa yang akan mengalir ke tangki 2000 KL dipasang sensor flow rate dan cleanliness. Hal ini untuk melihat aliran dan kadar diesel yang mengalir ke tangki 2000 KL.

3. Tangki 2000 KL dipasang level indicator untuk mengetahui berapa banyak isi diesel didalam tangki tersebut. Monitoring akan terkoneksi ke computer secara realtime dan dapat diakses melalui internet baik lewat hp maupun computer.

4.Diesel yang akan mengalir ke outlet tank akan di filter terlebih dahulu, dengan filter 20 micron lalu menuju outlet tank. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih maksimum, filter tersebut dapat kita ganti dengan spek yang lebih tinggi. Sewaktu diesel dialirkan dari ke truk 20 KL, maka diesel tersebut akan di cek terlebih dahulu partikel dan konten nya melalui alat cleanliness. Jika Sudah dinyatakan bagus, maka diesel tersebut dapat dalirkan ke truk tangki 20 KL. Pipa yang terhubung dari tangki outlet ke truk tangki 20 KL dan di sensing melalui sensor flow rate, yang terkoneksi ke perangkat computer maupun HP.

5. Hampir sama juga untuk Oli, Oli yang di sample, dapat langsung di monitor melalui sistem monitor TEINDO


Alat ini, berfungsi untuk mengukur partikel yang ada dibahan bakar (diesel), sehingga kita mengetahui kondisi yang ada dalam diesel tersebut. Teknik pengukuran sudah memenuhi standard : ISO Codes (ISO4406), NAS Codes (NAS 1638), SAE Codes (SAE AS4059)

Hal yang sama juga untuk Oli

Differential Pressure : Sebagai alat pengukur tekanan

Flow Meter : Sebagai pengukur aliran diesel

Level Indicator : Sebagai pengukur level/isi tangki


Panel berfungsi sebagai tempat rangkaian listrik dan control system seperti : mcb, baterai, kabel, terminal, serta perangkat sistem kendali yang dapat memberikan perintah ON/OFF equipment dan juga sebagai monitoring

Batterai & Accesories

Batterai berfungsi untuk supply listrik DC dan sebagai supply cadangan apabila listrik PLN mati atau dipadamkan karna ada nya kebakaran.

MCB berfungsi sebagai ON/OFF aliran supply listrik ke equipment